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Judge Cannon Looking For A Supreme Court Appointment

Judge Cannon Looking For A Supreme Court Appointment?

U.S. District Judge Aileen M. Cannon has made a lot of bad calls as she has chosen to represent the Trump/Putin Commie partnership. Her mistakes are about the highest level of classified documents our country has. Cannon is clearly angling for a SCOTUS appointment. Instead of showing that she is the caliber that is required by SCOTUS, she has shown herself to be incompetent. She writes bad law....

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Polling Averages Are Gamed And Untrustworthy

Polling Averages Are Gamed And Untrustworthy

Nate Silver made a name for himself by averaging polls. For starters. Averaging polls, with very diverse methodologies isn't scientific. Now the poll averages are being gamed by the interested parties. You can't evaluate a poll without evaluating the methodologies. Some of these polls are using really small samples. If you watch the polls systematically you will soon learn to distinguish the...

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Setting Goals For The New Year

Setting Goals

SMART Goals .... It's a new year and with that comes the need to set new goals, but not just any goals. We mean S.M.A.R.T goals. What does that mean you ask? S.M.A.R.T stands for specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely. Why are S.M.A.R.T. goals better than regular goals? They're better because they answer the questions who, what, when, where, and how. Specific: This answers what...

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Pollbite.com provides campaign products to elect the best and brightest progressive candidates, elect Democratic majorities in both the US Congress and Senate, and keeps the White House. That doesn’t happen in a vacuum.

Republicans have become the racist Party. They are fighting to keep Congress male and white, and they clearly care more about meeting their racist goals than they care about the issues of governing.

Of course there are exceptions to every rule. But the best way to win is with women candidates, and particularly women candidates of color. They’re not only more electable than old, boring, white males now, they are also the best way to make cultural change because of their example. And that is our primary target: Elect more women of color to Congress.

We offer many different technical services; accounting, FEC filings, social media, websites, and ecommerce. We also manage Super-PACS that raise our candidate’s favorability, and those Super-PACS mostly specialize in raising our candidates’ opponents’ negatives so Democrats don’t have get into the mud with them.

Please help our associated Super-PACs if you can.


Days Until 2024 Election day...








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